Bloggers, Sisters

We are beyond thrilled and excited to share our labor of love with all of you and hope our passion, experiences  and love for life resonates & inspires you.

From healthy living and beauty, to fashion and travel – we wanted to give everyone an inside look at everything we love to do in our life.

Vita é Belle was born – life is beautiful in Italian (and one of our favorite countries).  Our love for beauty and wanderlust-ing all over the world motivated us to take all of our inspirations and turning it into something for all of your to see. 

Every week we will present you with a theme that inspired us and shaped all of the posts.  From destinations, recipes, tutorials, new fashions and everything in between.

Vita é Belle isn’t just about US…we are hoping to share the ideas and contributions of others who have inspired us as well. 

We hope you can find something that will interest you and make you want to stay awhile…with out all of you this wouldn’t be a reality.  If there is anything you want to see on the blog email us…our contact page is open!
